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9m 718 2.0/2.5 spin on oil filter adapter kit

9m 718 2.0/2.5 spin on oil filter adapter kit

9m 718 2.0/2.5 spin on oil filter adapter kit specifically developed to eliminate any potential failures of the the OEM paper filter element which is prone to breaking down the fibres of the filter and can cause fragments of the paper being sucked into the engine which will cause engine failure or faults that require engine stripdown.




 To adapt the standard paper oil filter cartridge to a conventional metal screw on canister filter setup.

Highly efficient, huge improvement over the standard paper unit, providing much improved oil filtration.

Together with regular service intervals can prolong engine life.

Kit includes threaded spin on adapter plate constructed from 6082T6 aerospace grade aluminium and clear anodised.

 Incorporating OEM type high quality metal canister oil filter with built in pressure relief valve.

Easy to install - simply remove/unscrew the black plastic cone shaped original paper filter housing, and replace with/screw in our adapter plate. The new canister oil filter then simply screws onto the threaded nut in the centre of the metal plate no more messy oil changes draining from the plastic spout.




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